Thursday, October 15, 2009


Also since the spring all of us have celebrated birthdays! Another blessed year! Here we are -
Elizabeth turned 4, Matthew and Kyle turned 11, Scott turned 38 and I turned 39!:)


One of the things we did this summer was taking a trip to Chicago for our family vacation this year. We were able to see the Sears Tower (a.k.a. the Willis Tower), John Hancock Tower, ate at some fabulous places and saw the New York Yankees play!! It was a great vacation and one that was very needed for our family. Unfortunately, before we left we found out that I was in the middle of a miscarriage. Needless to say it was stressful and sad but we serve a mighty God and He was truly merciful to me and my family while we were on vacation and when we came back! We are truly blessed and God is good to provide everything we need when we need it and this vacation was one of those times!


Well, it's been quite a while since I've been here! I'm so sorry for not posting anything. Two seasons have come and gone and not a glimpse from me! Yikes! Life has been busier than I thought. Scott has continued to enjoy his new job, Matthew and Kyle are now 6th graders and Elizabeth can write her name! Wow, lots to share. Here are a few pictures from Spring, Summer and now Fall!