Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this man!  I am so blessed to be this man's wife.  He is a joy to be married to and we get to celebrate his birthday today! Happy 39th Birthday Sweetie!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Fumblings

I wanted to share some of the things that I feel God has truly blessed me with.  First and foremost - Salvation!  What a blessing that He has chosen me - ME to be His.  I didn't chose Him he chose me.  That is truly a blessing.  I can't imagine life without Him and His salvation.  This leads me to a conversation I had with my hairdresser.  She is a delightful, young, pretty, thin, sweet young woman in her early 20's.  She was sharing with me a story about shopping with her mom.  She frequents a young hip 20 something store called Forever 21.  Her mom had noticed on the bags that they have the words John 3:16 printed on the bottom of them.  Her mom decided to do some research and come to find out the company is a Christian store.  Well, as she was sharing this with me I interjected, "John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."  Well, there was a pause and then she asks "How many of those do you know?" (meaning scriptures) I said, "Not many." She said, "Don't be humble!" I didn't mean to come across as righteous or as a know-it-all but I simply wanted to be able to tell her the gospel verse so that she could hear His words!:)  I knew that if I didn't say that verse out loud to her that I would regret it.  I knew the Holy Spirit was convicting my heart to just blurt it out so she could hear!  So, my fumbling for this Friday is that I feel so blessed to have His word hidden in my heart so that I could share it regardless if it came across as righteous.  He knows my heart and my intentions!  Isn't that a glorious thing?!?  Have a blessed Friday!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Changes since November

I realized after reading several other people's blogs, I need to update my own!! So, what's been going on since November, you ask - A TON!! Here are a few pictures to show what's been happening since November.

Christmas 2010 - Family Picture

Tammy's family, my Dad & Amy and my family all went to church!! We were finally able to get Tammy and her family to church. Praise the Lord!:)

Snow, Snow, Snow! - Lots of snow this winter. The most on record for Columbus, Ohio!

My Dad and Amy were married on February 13, 2010. Congratulations!

The winter sport of hockey. We were able to take in some Columbus Blue Jackets games and some OSU hockey games. Although, I don't know anything about hockey, Matthew and Kyle do and this is the one sport that they love to watch TOGETHER! Another praise!:) Of course, Elizabeth has to be in the action as well. Her brothers are so sweet to always include her!