Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Fumblings

I wanted to share some of the things that I feel God has truly blessed me with.  First and foremost - Salvation!  What a blessing that He has chosen me - ME to be His.  I didn't chose Him he chose me.  That is truly a blessing.  I can't imagine life without Him and His salvation.  This leads me to a conversation I had with my hairdresser.  She is a delightful, young, pretty, thin, sweet young woman in her early 20's.  She was sharing with me a story about shopping with her mom.  She frequents a young hip 20 something store called Forever 21.  Her mom had noticed on the bags that they have the words John 3:16 printed on the bottom of them.  Her mom decided to do some research and come to find out the company is a Christian store.  Well, as she was sharing this with me I interjected, "John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."  Well, there was a pause and then she asks "How many of those do you know?" (meaning scriptures) I said, "Not many." She said, "Don't be humble!" I didn't mean to come across as righteous or as a know-it-all but I simply wanted to be able to tell her the gospel verse so that she could hear His words!:)  I knew that if I didn't say that verse out loud to her that I would regret it.  I knew the Holy Spirit was convicting my heart to just blurt it out so she could hear!  So, my fumbling for this Friday is that I feel so blessed to have His word hidden in my heart so that I could share it regardless if it came across as righteous.  He knows my heart and my intentions!  Isn't that a glorious thing?!?  Have a blessed Friday!

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